Wenzel Databank

The Wenzel databank has been replenished to 32.715 persons with many name varieties. They and their close relatives are present now in this databank.
Mainly from the Netherlands, Germany and former territories, Canada, USA en South-Africa.

Of course this is just a small percentage of all people with these surnames, that have lived or are living.
The surname Wenzel only is shown in the German telephonedirectory of 1996 18.560 times!!!
Therefore it will be appreciated very much, when you supply all your additions and updates (see Email under Contact on the homepage).
I can use textfiles, but GEDCOM- or PRO-GEN-backup-files are much easier to process. Many thanks in advance.

The download can take some time. Excuses.

Enjoy yourself with the Wenzel Databank

© Erik H. Wenzel, 2005/23Homepage:
Versie/Version d.d.: 13-03-2023